Friday, 22 February 2013

Media Coursework Update 6

Now my photo shoots are completed i have two days to catch up with all of my media coursework. This is my list of tasks to complete over the next two days-


  • Finish Major Institutions Rule Article
  • Finish final product draft 1
  • Do final product draft 2
  • Do final product draft 3
  • Blog about what I have learnt from Indesign tutorial videos
  • Write article for double page spread feature

  • Pitch music magazine video
  • Podcast on mood boards recording
  • Computer draft of final product
By scheduling my media coursework i think this will help me with my time management issue i identified in my SMART target review. I am trying to balance preparing for my trip to New York, completing psychology work and completing film studies work also with my media coursework to stay on top of my workload.

1 comment:

  1. Identifying and planning the work you need to complete indicates good organisational skills. This will help you focus and prioritise your work in order of importance, especially with the New York trip fast approaching.

